Saturday, March 31, 2012

Giddy Up!!

Apparently this blog is going to be an outlet for all of my crafting & etc. All my life I have been "crafty" or "artistic". I love painting, drawing (all when I have time) knitting, crocheting, sewing and on and on. If I have all of the tools and supplies, I'll make it. Or at least ATTEMPT to make it. This can be a good thing at times or it can be a curse. I sometimes drive my family crazy with all of the ideas, yarn snippets, knitting needles, sewing needles and whatever else you can imagine all over the house. I suffer from Crafting Madness ;).

  Well, this is my craft for today. I had an idea. I bought what I needed and I had the rest already at home. My princess LOVES when I make her stuff. She was sooooo excited when I was working on this and it really took no time at all. Maybe 4 hours?? it was my first stick pony ever, so I imagine should I make more they would come together alot faster and probably better. I've already had to do "cosmetic surgery" once on this pony today. Emily has named her 'Cotton Candy'. I was so impressed! she ACTUALLY named something on her own. She has been carrying this pony around since I handed it off to her a few hours ago and is currently passed out on the diningroom floor with her arm wrapped around it.

She's even holding the "food" in her hand. She tried feeding the pony one of my plants, so I had to stop her and make pony food for Cotton Candy. I love when she loves stuff. Mostly, I just love her.

Friday, March 30, 2012

I like to consider myself a "Professional Fauxtographer"

 This is my Princess. She will be 3 years old in April. I had a HUGE Hello Kitty themed party planned in my head. I ordered the dress, I ordered the Cotton Candy Machine. Then I found out my Husband took leave so we could go back stateside to see our family. I'm loving the idea of seeing everyone, but doubly disappointed that I'm going to miss out on this AWESOME party I had planned. Oh I'm super bummed. I had some high hopes this year. But, I guess there is always next year. 
 We will be back home in Kansas for our little Princesses 3rd Birthday. I ordered a Hello Kitty cake from a friend who makes awesome cakes. I'll take her dress with us and I'm sure I can find everything I need at Walmart. I'm anxious about stepping inside a Walmart for the first time in almost 3 years. I don't think anyone realizes just how deprived of the simplest things you can be when living on a Island, in the middle of the Ocean in another Country. I professed my hate for Walmart years ago... now I long to step inside. To be able to buy cutsie little shoes for a reasonable price again. 
 We were going to keep our visit a surprise and just SHOW UP. But, I had to tell my Best Friend. Then.. I had to tell my Sister. Well, then I had to tell my Stepdad. Then my brother. Needless to say... we can't keep secrets very well. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My love of Crochet

Pretty much anyone who knows me, knows I love crocheting. I dabble a bit in Knitting as well. Lately I have been making a ton of things. My Husband's Niece asked me to make her Granddaughter a Pony. She sent me the link to the pattern and I got to work. I love the way it turned out. I love that everyone else loves it as much as I do. I'm currently working on one for my own Daughter (stalling a bit actually) but I hope to have it done by this weekend. I'll update as soon as I do. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So, this is my VERY FIRST blog post. 
I've been meaning to start a blog ever since we knew we were headed to Okinawa Japan.
Our tour is ALMOST over, and I've finally got my ass in gear. 
Now, I am completely stumped on what to write. I post so much shit on Facebook that people have asked me "Where is your blog?? you should really have a blog! your posts always crack me up." Well here it is and I have writers block. So, until next time!